Acerca de
The People of IAIE

Tanjian Liang
Board Member
2nd Term 2023-2024
John Novak
Board Member
Lifetime Term
Scott Robinson
Board Chair
2nd Term 2023-2024
Chris Anderson
Board Member
2nd Term 2024-2025
Jenny Edwards
Board Member
2nd Term 2024-2025
Katherine Roe
Board Member
2nd Term 2024-2025
Stephen Chu
Board Member
1st Term 2023-2024
Barbara Martin
Board Member
1st Term 2023-2024
Donna Jackson
Board Member
Temp for 2024
Jane Ziebarth-Bovill
Board Member
1st Term 2023-2024
Tracy Hudson
Board Member
1st Term 2024-2025

The IAIE Membership Committee assists in the development of recruitment materials, promotes scholarships as available, and supports the various awards, including the Inviting School Award, the Fidelity Award, and the William Stafford Leadership Award. The committee also undertakes special projects, such as keeping in touch with student members, sending thanks to new and renewing members, organizing Senior Active and promoting creative ways to encourage membership.
Dr. William Purkey

The Research Committee is responsible for setting the research agenda for the Alliance. The committee works closely with the AERA SIG, the FORUM, the Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice editors, the Inviting School Award, and the Paula Helen Stanley Fidelity Award committees to gather and publish strong data supporting Invitational Theory and Practice. This committee is also responsible for the Outstanding Research Award presented at the Annual Conference.
Jenny Edwards

Inviting School Awards
The Inviting School Awards Committee is responsible for seeking nominations, reviewing applications and recognizing schools, districts and universities that have successfully used Invitational Education as a framework for creating an intentionally positive climate. Awards are presented at the Annual World Conference during even-numbered years.
James Botts

Fidelity School Awards
The Fidelity School Awards Sub-Committee is responsible for maintaining contact with past recipients for the Inviting School Award and for encouraging schools to continue their efforts to build upon and be recognized for sustaining the Inviting Schools principles. Awards are presented at the Annual World Conference during odd number years.
Ken Wright

Stafford Leadership Awards
The William Leadership Award Sub-Committee is responsible for seeking nominations and selecting award-winners to recognize exceptional service and leadership within the Alliance. This is the highest award presented by IAIE. Awards are presented at the World Conference during even number years.
Stephen Chu